Dr. Joe
Melendez-Davidson, FACS
Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgeon
Meet Dr. Joe
BMI Calculator
The New Gold Standard
in Weight Loss Surgery
The safest surgery with excellent results
Time tested weight loss surgery option for the past 140 years
Tuning or correction of previous surgeries to obtain maximal benefits
Great option for band malfunctions
No more medications,
Say good bye to Heart Burn
Repair of the muscles that wrap around the esophagus restores normal anatomy
A magnetic ring that creates a valve that controls the reflux of acid
A natural valve is created to limit reflux and regurgitation
Releases pressure to allow proper passage of fluid and food into the stomach for patient suffering from Achalasia
Minimally Invasive repair of the muscle and tissues that have opened and cause bulge and pain
The maximum in appetite control and malabsorption
Endoscopic placement of
IntraGastric Balloon
Aides with weight loss
Minimally Invasive options exists for almost all GI issues